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Globehopping - NewYork


T takes the NWA to New York & Massachusetts

T, is our earliest National Waffle Association supporter and all around swell guy. He took us along on his recent trip to the Big Apple and then to Massachusetts. Shown here in bustling Times Square.

T, is our earliest National Waffle Association supporter and all around swell guy. He took us along on his recent trip to the Big Apple and then to Massachusetts. Shown here in bustling Times Square.

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T in front of the Revere House in Boston, Massachusetts.

T in front of the Revere House in Boston, Massachusetts.

T in front of War Memorial.

T in front of War Memorial.

Empire State building and T.

Empire State building and T.

T shown here with Hans Christian Anderson. Central Park, New York City.

T shown here with Hans Christian Anderson. Central Park, New York City.

T with John Harvard, English minister, and colonist. In Cambridge, Massachusetts.

T with John Harvard, English minister, and colonist. In Cambridge, Massachusetts.

T in front of an institute of higher learning. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

T in front of an institute of higher learning. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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