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Les Morely's Cyber Lounge Header 1.png

Les Morely Cyber Lounge

Some of our favorite music and spoken word from the Pacific Northwest.

Spending more time inside - listening to more music.

Amy Denio: Birthing Chair Blues, Apocalypso From the LP Birthing Chair Blues. Amy plays all instruments. For more great music visit Amy’s Bandcamp page.

Gretta Harley: Righteous w/We Are Golden featuring Gretta Harley & Sarah Rudinoff, For more visit: grettaharleymusic

Bill Horist: Salt-Stung, Her Telluric Lips From Guitar Weirdo (Solo Prepared Guitar Improvisations 2000-2012) Overture, Entropy From Lyric/Suite. Coalition of the Thrilling -w/Afrocop live at the Royal Room. Afrocop is: Noel Brass Jr.- keys, Andy Sells - drums, Carlos Tulloss baritone guitar, Bill Horist - guitar

Hound Dog Taylor’s Hand: NEW! Look Up and Let Go from their smashing 2nd LP. w/Greg Kelly on trumpet. Sunrock - Beatrice - Relax It’s Okay (From Hound Dog Taylor’s Hand 1st LP) You can hear more HDTH on their Bandcamp page. Hound Dog Taylor’s Hand is: Jeffery Taylor (Climax Golden Twins/AFCGT/Spider Trio)electric guitar, Mark Ostrowski (Monktail/Wally Shoup Quartet) drums and John Seman (Monktail/Ask The Ages) contrabass. The music is a heavy dose of jazz, blues, and improvisation, so buckle your seat belt! Jeffrey Taylor is co-fouder of Wall of Sound Records on Capital Hill in Seattle, WA. Always worth a stop in for a wide range of adventurous music. If you like Hound Do Taylor’s Hand you will be in the right spot! 1205 E Pike St #1C, Seattle, WA 98122

Dennis Rea: w/Moraine - In That Distant Place from the CD Groundswell. Produced by Moraine & Steve Fisk. Moraine is Dennis Rea - guitar, Alicia DeJoie - electric violin; James DeJoie-baritone sax, flute, effects; Kevin Millard-stick bass; Tom Zgonc- drums.

Dennis Rea: Gibberish Falter from the CD Iron Kim Style. Iron Kim Style is an explosive Seattle-based jazz-rock improv quintet - Dennis Rea guitar, Jay Jaskot-drums, Bill Jones- trumpet, Thaddaeus Brophy -12-string electric guitar, Ryan Berg- bass. For more music visit:Dennis’s Bandcamp page.

Wally Shoup: Top-up The Re-Bop - Vashkar (Bley)
The Wally Shoup Deep Lounge Quartet is: Wally Shoup - alto sax, Bob Rees - vibes, John Seman - bass, Mark Ostrowsk - drums.

Jon Strongbow & Mystery School: China Seas from the Future History CD - Alchemy and Apotheosis from the CD Secret Teachings -Mystery School is: Davis Martin Drums, Clayton Park-electric violin, Jon Strongbow-keyboards, Martin Sutlovich-fretless bass, Mark Taylor-percussion. More Strongbow.

Jon Strongbow: Electric Man From It Crawled from the Basement, Green Monkey Records Anthology. Strongbow at Seattle’s Pike Place Market a short documentary.

Value Ape: Leviathan - the 3 Dogs of Steve Berlin - Monster - The March of the Chocolate Astronaut Value Ape are: Curt Eckman - Bass Scott Vanderpool - Drums & Vox, Greg Robinson - Guitar & Vox. All songs from the LP Live at the End of Civilization

Spoken Word

Willie Smith: SeaFair poem: “The Fair To Pay To Monday” With the Free Base Explosion (Mark Dalton, bass; Tim Leahy, bass; Michael Hureaux, conga)