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We love hearing from our customers and get tremendous satisfaction knowing you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy creating them.

Dee from Olympia, WA had this to say about our Sticker:
I saw my first [NWA] bumper sticker years ago, and bought one to be cheeky. And 10 or so years later the magic still works. My car (with said bumper sticker) is now in Colorado, and my nephew who now owns my car is happy as a clam with his statement.

Before I gave him my car, I had a heart problem which involved calling the paramedics and such. They walked up the driveway past my car and past your bumper sticker. And as they gathered around me in my kitchen where I collapsed, the first thing they asked was: "who is a member of the national waffle association?" I was so proud to say, ME!

So, to be clear, you all are genius'. And kind, and I hope you keep creating something funny and poignant. And if I can support what you do when I'm not laying flat on my kitchen floor with a paramedic kidding me about the bumper stickers on my car... I would do that. Just let me know.

Cheers. And thank you

Taylor from Livermore, CA had this to say:

I'll always fight to defend my right to awesome, tasty waffles! I first saw this sticker in the front window of my local breakfast spot and decided I definitely needed to rock one on the back of my VW bus.

Sorrel in Douglas, AK had this to say:

Great Seller! Great Service! Love this sticker. I live in Gun Crazy Alaska and this one gets a double take every time a pickup with huge tires rolls by.

Maddie in Seattle, WA had this to say about our T-shirt:

The item was exactly as described. The screen print looks incredible and this arrived even earlier than I expected. Seller even adjusted my shipping cost as he was located in the same city as me.

Mimi in Bozeman, MT had this to say:

Excellent quality stickers! Got here amazing fast! AWESOME. Thanks so much for your funny and creative art

Sarah in Broomfield, CO had this to say about our Fridge Magnet:

It’s actually better quality than I thought it would be. And fraggin’ awesome! My only regret is not ordering at least a dozen of them to hang randomly when I go into new houses.