Contact Us

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(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.



Become a NWA Member!

Join the Burgeoning Ranks of National Wafflers Today

  • Gain instant social status

  • Be the envy of your peers

  • Get member only promos

  • Membership for life

  • No annual dues

$15 bucks buys you a personalized membership card (laminated) with the picture of your choice.

After you purchase your card email us a JPEG file of the image you would like to use on your card, along with how you want your name to appear. We do the rest.

Please use .jpeg file format and limit file size to 5 megs or less. We will do the necessary editing to fit it nicely on card.Within a couple weeks your card will arrive in the mail. Each new membership gets a FREE sticker!

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